Tribute to Kandinsky

One of my favorite masters is Wassily Kandinsky.  I first met his art at the Guggenheim in New York.  His work was large and presented in a ground floor display.  Kandinsky was one of the early pioneers of abstract art, and even today his work is distinctive. Like most artists his work morphed with time and various influences. 

I particularly like the work he did in the 1920’s .  During that time he used a lot of negative space with well organized colorful shapes interacting as if they are in a well-rehearsed dance.

When my art group announced an upcoming exhibit dedicated to art inspired by the masters, I knew I had to have a go at Kandinsky.  This image titled, “Inspired by Kandinsky: Jazz”, reflects the dance I see in his images and plays tribute to his use of color and negative space.  It was fun to create and the colorful interplay brought happiness to my heart.

Who is your favorite master, and have you ever paid tribute to his/her work?

“Inspired by Kandinsky: Jazz” now on display with the Visual Art League of Lewisville North Hallway exhibit at the Lewisville Grand, 100 N. Charles through June 5.

If you want to research some of Kandinsky’s work check out these…

  • Several circles, 1926,
  • Soft Hard, 1927
  • Composition VIII Invitations
  • Delicate Tension No. 85

It Came To Me In a Dream

Suddenly, in the night, I awake, sit up in the bed and contemplate the vision. Not entirely recalling the dream I still feel the imprint of the night’s mystery. All is fine. Conflict will be resolved. The image painted in my memory is filled with conflict surrounded by peace. It is disturbing yet calming. From time to time I find myself conflicted.


In My Art, In My Soul

It is with tremendous gratitude that I share my latest exhibit. Invited by the Horizons Unitarian Church in Carrollton, Texas to present over 30 pieces in their facility. The people of Horizons have been most generous and supportive as I prepared this exhibit.

I have chosen a variety of work styles beginning with my work in photography, to enhanced photography and migrating to my more advanced digital work. A few of these pieces have incorporated some of my early watercolor experiments.

It is so fulfilling to be able to share my work with the lovely people of Horizons. The facility is open to the public. The hours are flexible but limited due to Covid and the number of people present at any given time is restricted. Please bring your mask if you plan to visit.

Horizons Unitarian Universalist Church is located at 1641 W Hebron Pkwy, Carrollton, TX 75010. To call for hours the number is (972) 492-4940.

The Flowers In Her Eyes Wilt…

Often I find inspiration in other people’s words. Today my inspiration comes from a book, “I Am Her Tribe”, by Danielle Doby.

This book isn’t for everyone, it can be difficult to read. Doby writes from her heart what has been experienced through recovery. The phrase I selected today comes on page 27, “The flowers in your eyes wilting one by one the dropping to the floor.” Love those words. I have seen it so many times in the flat gaze of women young and old who have experienced too much, and are tired of being tired.

Earth, Wind, Water and Fire

Like so many others I find myself with more time to think this year. More time to think, to appreciate, to ponder , question, understand.

Last week I was reading about natural elements. The concept goes back much further than I had realized, and perhaps it was Aristotle who first named the four basic elements. There is some interesting discussion on various Greek philosophies, for a quick refresher, and some fun experiments check out: Home Science Tools.


I digress, another symptom associated with increased isolation.


Today’s offering is a small collection representing personification of these four elements. Earth (which I call Terra), Wind (they call the wind Mariah), Water (Acqua) and Fire (I have named her Blaze).




Art As Therapy

Each of us have had to find our path through this Covid outbreak. Some say it is behind us, others say the worst is yet to come. Each of us have had to journey through our heartbreaks, fears, losses, inconveniences, financial setbacks, and isolation.

For many of us who practice art, our journey is reflected there. I decided to share my journey, through my art.

As we watched the Covid spread through Europe, cancel our travel plans and begin covering New York City, it felt like a storm of indeterminable size was on the horizon.

The Approaching Storm

We had plans to spend three months in Europe, leaving April 1. As the date approached, I scrambled first to reschedule, then to reclaim what costs I could.

Hanging On To My Dreams

Soon it was clear that everything had changed. We wanted to run away. Find a place where things would be normal, where we could play and have fun. But it wasn’t to be. It was just the two of us in a small apartment and a balcony shared with a family of House Finches and eventually some Hummingbirds.

The Troupe

Eventually life goes on, it became necessary to leave the safety of our isolation and continue a few normal activities, such as getting groceries and checking on the parents. It was time to slowly emerge from our shelter and face the unknown, while hoping better days would emerge from the ashes of our previous life.


We have since found a respectful peace with this virus. We remain cautious, wear a mask to protect ourselves and others, and seek opportunities to encourage those we encounter. So many have lost so much. If feels as if time has warped and placed a kink in the linear path our world was travelling. Our futures will all hold something different as a result of this experience shared worldwide. Somehow, we must find our peace.

Finding Peace

I am grateful for my partner that has made this time tolerable, I have gained a better appreciation for the freedoms we so carelessly shared. My heart is open to those who have lost so much, and I give thanks for each new day.

Though it is small, I am also grateful that my art has stood beside me, coaxing me to find my peace.

Leaving It All Behind

Do you ever get tired of carrying around all that baggage?  Where does it come from?  Well, some comes from our childhood. The well-intended corrections of our parents later become the bulky reminders we carry for life.  And what about those personal expectations – the perfect house the perfect life that we post on Instagram.

Then there is the trunk I carry around.  Stuff I have picked up along the way.  Willingly, I carry around the weight of my self-imposed self-improvements. How heavy that baggage becomes.

Maybe it is time to Leave It All Behind.

A special thank you to my model, Marissa.